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Books about Georgia

North Carolina resident prices reflect applicable 7% sales tax. Shipping is included in all prices. All the above book are available from:
Bruce Pruitt
Box 815
Whitakers, NC 27891

  1. DeKalb Co, GA deed books H & L; 1,661 items and 244 p.; price $23.00 or NC res. $24.40
  2. DeKalb Co, GA deed books M & N; 1,474 items and 224 p.; price $20.70 or NC res. $22.00
  3. DeKalb Co, GA deed books O & P; 1,367 items and 216 p.; price $19.35 or NC res. $20.55
  4. DeKalb Co, GA deed books Q & R; 1,099 items and 204 p.; price $20.25 or NC res. $21.60
  5. DeKalb Co, GA index to deed abstracts (books H and L-R); 150 p.; price $15.00 or NC res. $16.15
